Man Questions Why His Robot Bartender Gets 10 Percent Tip

The Tipsy Robot in Las Vegas is a bar that features robot bartenders, and outlandish prices.

By figgyPudding

Published 2 years ago in Wow

The tech TikToker Uptin wouldn't normally be upset with a mandatory 10% service fee for his bartenders, but in this case, he understandably takes exception.

He's at The Tipsy Robot in Las Vegas, a bar that features an automated bartending service from the Kuka robot Makr Shakr, capable of making up to 120 drinks in an hour. The robots are mesmerizing to watch, but with Uptin's single margarita coming out to $18.94 with fees included, they're definitely pretty pricey. Considering there are no labor costs, it's hard to justify the price tag and tip.

Bartenders are a long way off from being replaced by robots, but if you are hoping to go out for some cocktails at a robot lounge, make sure you don't get swindled into paying an unfair uncharge for robot labor. If and when robots become sentient we can revisit the conversation about tipping your robot bartenders.

Check out the Makr Shakr in action.

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